Before you log on to sell on any of your selected plans or packages, kindly read this short article on How GF Operates. Anyone one who wishes to sell must go through a simple process of signing up either as a solo seller or company by choosing any of the the plans available on the Solo section or register as a vendor on Shop or Enterprise section.


Click on Sell On GF on the header pane, fill up all that is required of you there. A link will be sent to your email, go to your email and click on the link in your email address to verify your email address and you are good to go.


We use the following payment gateways: Payoneer MTN Mobile Money and Credit or Master Card Services. You can use any of the above payment gateways to pay for your subscription to GreenyField. We however entreat all vendors especially those that sign on to the shop section to also have a payoneer account in addition to the bank accounts and others so that they could be paid by GreenyField anytime a customer makes a purchase with GreenyField Escrow mechanism. This is because, Payoneer platform allows you to keep your money in it like paypal and one has the opportunity to send money into your account directly. Use this link to open an account on payoneer platform: .


NB: Shop section is temporary locked for the addition of more security features of  payments integration.



Create An Account

Click on Sell on GreenyField(GF). Fill in your details.

Account Verification.

Go to your email and click on the link to verify your account. The site admins will manually verify your info with your mobile number.

Start Selling

1.Load Product Images (5 pictures) of dimension 760x410 pix and of 800kb. 2. Indicate your exact shop location. Very important. 3.Complete other requirement there. 4. Submit and upon approval, start selling!

Vendor Process

1. Click on vendor registration on the header bar and fill up the details. 2. If you are already on a solo or seller plan, click on register as a vendor.

Shop Admin will verify all info including stipulated payment portals.

After all sorts of verification, load pictures and dimensions (depending on the of the vendor) of products you sell. Shop admin will help you in the process. Then you are ready to sell live.

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